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Rapporti di associazioni e organismi internazionali sull’Italia

  • Italy: Briefing to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: 80th session, February 2012, Amnesty International
    (Temi: Stato di Emergenza, Sentenza del Consiglio di Stato contro lo Stato di Emergenza).
    Amnesty International is submitting the information in this document for consideration by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (the Committee), in advance of its review of Italy’s 16th to 18th periodic reports, submitted under article 9 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. This briefing focuses on some legal and policy developments which have had a discriminatory effect on Roma and migrants and which occurred since the Committee reviewed Italy’s periodic reports in 2008.

  • “Rapporto sulla situazione italiana” presentato alla Commissione delle Nazioni Unite per l’eliminazione della Discriminazione Razziale (CERD) riunito per la 72° sessione”.
    Realizzato da European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), Centre On Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), OsservAzione, Sucar Drom, 2008.
    (temi: divieto di discriminazione, divieto di segregazione, divieto di incitamento all’odio razziale, divieto di discriminazione nell’accesso ai diritti civili, politici, economici e sociali, “Patto Sicurezza” per Roma, “Patto Sicurezza” per Milano).

  • ERRC submission to UN UPR on Italy (February 2010).
    Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), osservAzione and Amalipé Romanò, concerning Italy for consideration by the Human Rights Council (HRC) within its Universal Periodic Review at its 7th session, February 2010.

  • "Italia. 'Tolleranza zero verso i rom'. Sgomberi forzati e discriminazione contro i rom a Milano", 2011.
    Amnesty International. (Temi: Stato di Emergenza, campi regolari e sgomberi di campi irregolari durante lo Stato di Emergenza).
    Thousands of Roma in Italy live in camps located at the outskirts of urban areas, without access to most basic facilities. This report recounts how the Italian authorities have implemented measures which deny these communities basic legal protections, and impose discriminatory restrictions on their rights to housing, privacy and family life. In addition, the authorities in Milan have forcibly evicted Roma from their homes. Amnesty International calls on the Italian authorities to address the widespread discrimination against Romani people.

  • "Stop agli sgomberi forzati dei rom in Europa", aprile 2010. Amnesty International.
    Forced evictions are cruel, humiliating and in breach of international law. In Europe, they happen all too often and affect those who are least able to resist. Romani people are one such easy target; they are poor, socially excluded, and treated with hostility by the public. This is why governments are able to forcibly evict them and show little regard for their human rights. It is time to end this injustice.

  • "La risposta sbagliata. Italia: Il 'Piano Nomadi' viola il diritto all'alloggio dei rom a Roma", marzo 2010.
    Amnesty International.  The "Nomad Plan" is the first scheme to have been developed using special powers provided by a Presidential decree which declared a "Nomad Emergency" in May 2008. It paves the way for the forced eviction of thousands of Roma and the resettlement of most, but not all of them, in new or expanded camps on the outskirts of Rome. There has been no genuine consultation with the Roma affected by the plan. This document contains stories about three families with one aspiration: to live with dignity.

  • "Italy: The witch-hunt against Roma people must end", luglio 2008.
    Amnesty International. (temi: Stato di Emergenza, impronte digitali, discriminazione).
    Amnesty International is deeply concerned about actions taken by the Italian authorities targeting the Roma community. These actions include forced evictions of Romani communities, anti-Roma statements by officials and proposals to take fingerprints of all Roma. In this briefing Amnesty International outlines its concerns regarding actions taken targeting the Romani community, analyses their compliance with international human rights law and makes recommendations to the Italian authorities and the European Union on how to ensure that Italy respects and protects the rights of Roma.